Physical Health

Adult Circumcision


Male circumcision is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the foreskin, the retractable fold of skin that covers the head of the penis. It is a common practice worldwide, performed for various medical, cultural and religious reasons.


To discuss this treatment, please book an appointment with our specialists.



Why Families Choose Medi Park Clinic – Your Trusted Circumcision Specialist

Comprehensive Care Across All Ages

MediPark Clinic offers expert circumcision services for male infants, children, teens, and adults. We ensure a comfortable and safe environment tailored to the needs of each age group.

Health Benefits of Circumcision

  • Hygiene: Easier maintenance of cleanliness.
  • Reduced Risk of Urinary Tract Infections: Particularly in infants and young children.
  • Prevention of Penile Problems: Such as phimosis and paraphimosis.
  • Decreased Risk of Sexually Transmitted Infections: Including HIV and HPV.
  • Cancer Prevention: Lower risk of penile cancer and a reduced risk of cervical cancer in female partners

Disadvantages of Circumcision

  • Reduced sensitivity: There are arguments that the sensitivity of the glans decreases after circumcision, which will reduce pleasure during sexual intercourse.
  • Surgery complications: Bleeding, postoperative infections, penile or urethral injuries are very rear but possible complications.

Specialist Centre

Our facility is equipped with experienced staff ready to provide comprehensive information and support.

Expert Medical Team

Our team of specialists has years of experience and routinely performs circumcision procedures, ensuring top-notch care for every patient. Our vast experience makes Medipark Clinic a leading referral centre, supported by strong patient testimonials.

Pioneering Circumcision Practices

As early adopters of gentle and effective methods, we focus on procedures that ensure minimal discomfort and superior cosmetic outcomes.

Inclusive and Respectful of All Cultures and Faiths

We welcome individuals and families from all religious backgrounds, including but not limited to Muslim, Jewish, and Christian communities. We respect and honour the significance of circumcision within these traditions and provide culturally sensitive care.

Pain Management

Utilising the best anaesthesia techniques, we prioritise patient comfort throughout the procedure.

Hygiene and Safety

Our clinic adheres to stringent sterilisation protocols with single-use instruments to ensure a safe, infection-free environment.

Clear Communication

We ensure that every patient and family is well-informed from the initial consultation through recovery.

Pre-Appointment Examinations

We are pleased to offer comprehensive pre-appointment examinations conducted by our experienced Doctor. This service is available upon request and costs £100, ensuring a thorough assessment to address your medical needs.


At MediPark Clinic, we combine medical expertise with compassionate, culturally sensitive care to provide top-tier circumcision services trusted by families for decades. Visit us to discover why MediPark Clinic is the preferred choice for so many.

Recovery and Aftercare

Since circumcision is a slightly painful procedure, simple painkillers such as paracetamol may be needed for a few days after the surgery.


The operated foreskin will be sensitive to touch and friction, so it may be beneficial to apply antibiotic cream to the area for a few days and protect it from trauma to prevent the risk of infection. Comfortable and loose-fitting clothing is recommended. It is also advisable to avoid cycling and active sports until the swelling disappears completely. If the patient is of school age, they should be able to return to school approximately one week after circumcision, though they may need to stay home for a few days immediately following the procedure.

Circumcision Techniques

Circumcision can be performed through one of three main methods:


  1. Dorsal Slit
  2. Shield-Clamp: Mogen clamp, Plastibell®, Gomco clamp, Zhenxi ring, Tara clamp, Smart clamp, Shang Ring®, and Prepex® device.
  3. Surgery (Sleeve Resection): A combination of techniques may also be used.


It is also possible to circumcise with hand tools that use the cutting and burning process simultaneously, known as circumcision thermocautery. However, these devices are not recommended as they can damage the nerve structure of the penis due to the thermocautery effect.

Circumcision Contraindications

Circumcision should not be performed in:

  • Premature infants.
  • Those with haemorrhagic diathesis in the family or in the baby.
  • Children with external genital organ anomalies where the foreskin may be used in future operations, including:
  • Hypospadias
  • Epispadias
  • Buried penis
  • Megalourethra
  • Chordee
  • Webbed penis
  • Penoscrotal fusion


At MediPark Clinic, we combine medical expertise with compassionate, culturally sensitive care to provide top-tier circumcision services trusted by families for decades. Visit us to discover why MediPark Clinic is the preferred choice for so many.


To learn more, please click on the link below;

Health Line Circumcision 

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