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Recruitment Policy

    Review Sheet

Last Reviewed Last Amended Next Planned Review in 12 months, or

10 Jan 2023 24 Jan 2023 sooner as required.

Business impact

Changes are important, but urgent implementation is not required, incorporate into your existing workflow.


Reason for this review

Scheduled review

Were changes made?



This policy outlines the values-based recruitment process that should be adopted and highlights this process. It has been reviewed with no significant changes.

Reference to the UK GDPR has been added. A link to the CQC Mythbuster for Fit and proper persons requirement (FPPR) has been added which highlights that only individuals who are fit and proper to carry out their role are to be recruited. A link to the GPhC online register has also been added in the further reading section to enable providers who   employ a pharmacist or pharmacy technician to check their professional registration status. Existing references have been reviewed and updated.

Relevant legislation:

  • The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
  • Immigration and Asylum Act 2016
  • Age Discrimination Act 1967
  • Employment Rights Act 1996
  • Equality Act 2010
  • The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014
  • The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) Regulations 2012

Underpinning knowledge – What have we used to ensure that the policy is current:

-language-requirement-for-public-sector-workers-code-of-practice [Accessed: 9/6/2021]

Suggested action:

  • Encourage sharing the policy through the use of the QCS App
  • Share ‘Key Facts’ with all staff
  • Ensure relevant staff are aware of the content of the whole policy

Equality Impact Assessment:

QCS have undertaken an equality analysis during the review of this policy. This statement is a written record that demonstrates that we have shown due regard to the need to eliminate unlawful discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations with respect to the characteristics protected by equality law.

  1. To support Haringey Healthcare Limited in providing a fair, consistent and effective approach to the recruitment of all employees in accordance with employment law and best practice.
  2. To provide a framework for recruitment, onboarding and induction and training within Haringey Healthcare Limited, this policy should dovetail with those other named policies and procedures.
  3. To ensure that the recruitment procedure is in accordance with Professional Standards and that it meets recruitment systems’ standards in line with the general requirements for healthcare staff.
  4. To support Haringey Healthcare Limited in meeting the following Key Lines of Enquiry:

Key Question Key Lines of Enquiry



HS1: How do systems, processes and practices keep people safe and safeguarded from abuse?


HW4: Are there clear responsibilities, roles and systems of accountability to support good governance and management?


  1. To meet the legal requirements of the regulated activities that {Haringey Healthcare Limited} is registered to provide:
    • The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
    • Immigration and Asylum Act 2016
    • Age Discrimination Act 1967
    • Employment Rights Act 1996
    • Equality Act 2010
    • The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014
    • The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) Regulations 2012
    • UK GDPR


  1. The following roles may be affected by this policy:
  • All staff and potential staff
  1. The following Patients may be affected by this policy:
  • Patients
  1. The following stakeholders may be affected by this policy:
  • Family
  • Advocates
  • Representatives
  • Commissioners
  • External health professionals
  • Local Authority
  • NHS


  1. To recruit and retain skilled people by use of safe processes that enable Haringey Healthcare Limited to achieve and deliver its aims and values.
  2. To ensure that recruitment processes are fair and effective in meeting the needs of the workplace and Patients whist adhering to professional occupational requirements.

  1. It is the responsibility of the Registered Manager and the HR Leads to:
  • Comply with this policy and all related recruitment procedures of Haringey Healthcare Limited
  • Ensure that all necessary pre-employment checks are carried out including, where applicable, temporary, secondment and agency staff
  • Maintain and update knowledge in relation to recruitment and procedures relating to employment legislation
  • Ensure that recruitment is applied fairly to all
  • Seek advice if information comes to light at any stage of the process which may impact on the employment offer
  • Ensure that any member of staff responsible for the recruitment of others has the appropriate skills, experience and knowledge to undertake this role competently
  • Recruit staff who are competent, professional and safe
  1. The interview stage of the recruitment process at Haringey Healthcare Limited will assess the applicant against agreed standards and the interview will be documented. Specific attention will be given to avoid discrimination of any kind. The recruitment framework will be achieved through values-based recruitment, as per the philosophy of care at Haringey Healthcare Limited.
  2. All recruitment processes will be carried out by use of the suite of recruitment records at Haringey Healthcare Limited. These templates are available for Registered Managerto access for all elements of the recruitment process to ensure consistency, fairness and quality.
  3. Haringey Healthcare Limited will have due regard for and be compliant with data protection legislation in relation to the archiving and retention of candidate application forms and associated documentation. This will be in line with UK GDPR Regulations.
  4. Staff at Haringey Healthcare Limited who are responsible for any aspect of recruitment will have an awareness and current knowledge of the impact of the EU settlement scheme on immigration and the workforce, in addition to professional council requirements. Resources are available within the ‘Further Reading’ section of this policy.

  • Identifying a Vacant Post

When a vacancy arises, registered manager and Management Team must consider the most appropriate way to cover the work. Registered Manager must review the staffing levels, skill mix and working patterns in their team to identify any potential redeployments.

The job description and person specification must be updated to reflect any additions or alterations to the role. Please refer to the suite of job descriptions and person specifications at Haringey Healthcare Limited which outline the key duties and responsibilities for safeguarding and the positions required.

A document is available within the ‘Forms’ section to support rationalising the business case for filling a vacancy.

  • Advertisement

Alongside the job description and person specification, an advert for the role will be produced. This will include:

  • A statement of the values of Haringey Healthcare Limited and its commitment to safe recruitment and working with vulnerable adults
  • The job title, salary, hours and location
  • The contract type
  • The closing date and potential interview dates (if known)
  • Contact details for further information and guidance on how to apply
  • If the role will be subject to DBS checks
  • The role, skills and qualifications necessary
  • Professional registration requirements

The advert will be placed in the preferred sources as agreed by Registered Manager and Management Team and a copy of the vacancy made accessible to staff, e.g. on staff notice boards/intranet.

  • Shortlisting

Candidates need to complete an Application Form or submit a CV.

Shortlisting application forms involves a process of reviewing the application against the person specification, which will be carried out by two people. The job specification must be used to ensure that a consistent approach is taken.

Whilst shortlisting, staff must check that the Application Form is fully complete and highlight any inconsistencies (such as gaps in employment) that can be addressed during the interview stage.

All candidates who meet the criteria and who have indicated that they have a disability will be automatically shortlisted and reasonable adjustments to the recruitment stages will be implemented to ensure candidates receive a fair process.

  • Invitation to Interview

Sufficient notice will be given to the candidate invited to interview. When arranging the interview, staff must request that the candidate brings photographic ID with them and original occupational specific

certificates, copies of which will be held on the candidate’s personnel file if successful.

For unsuccessful candidates, information will be retained and destroyed in line with the Archiving, Disposal and Storage of Records Policy and Procedure. A template invitation to interview letter is available within the ‘Forms’ section of this policy.

  • The Interview Process

Before the interview day, staff will set time aside for a review of the shortlisted application forms or telephone screening.

Staff must:

  • Check that educational qualifications are appropriate and adequate
  • Check work history, note and investigate all periods of no work
  • Note any declared requirements for adjustments for disability
  • Check the suitability of the supplied references


  • Check the applicant’s Disclosure status

If any areas for further discussion are identified as above, these will be added to the interview questions. On the interview day, staff must also:

  • Check that identity has been clearly satisfied, and recent photographs supplied
  • Check that all claimed relevant qualifications are accompanied by documentary evidence

Two people will conduct the interviews, one of whom should be the immediate supervisor or manager of the post being advertised. Interview questions will be agreed and standard for all candidates.


NB: If the interview is carried out by only one person as a result of staff resource issues on the day, the interviewer will be the immediate supervisor or manager of the post advertised and the interview will be preceded by a tour of Haringey Healthcare Limited accompanied by a member of the staff team on duty. That team member will report their personal impressions of the candidate to the interviewer and will be consulted about the employment decision.

  • Interview Environment

An interview room will be prepared that enables the candidate to feel relaxed, whilst ensuring that interviews will be private and uninterrupted. Where possible, arrangements will be made for someone to receive candidates at the door, with instructions to deliver them to a waiting area, making them feel welcome.

All members of staff need to be made aware that interviews are taking place, so that candidates are welcomed appropriately and the interviewer is informed of their arrival. The candidate may be offered refreshments and supported to feel as comfortable as possible.

  • During the Interview

At the start of the interview, the interviewer will provide a brief outline of the philosophy of and culture of Haringey Healthcare Limited as well as gaining assurance of the role being interviewed for.

During the interview, all set questions must be asked, noting answers on the sheets provided in the interview pack.

The candidate must be informed that, if they are successful in their application, the job offer will be subject to the receipt of two satisfactory references, one of which must be from the previous employer and that they may still start work before those references have been received in writing if Registered Manageris satisfied with available information. They must also be informed that their appointment will be subject to satisfactory information being received from the DBS and that they will be unable to do certain duties before the DBS reply is received. The offer of employment will be conditional on the content of the reply and cannot be confirmed until a satisfactory reply has been received. If relevant to the recruited position, the GMC, NMC, HCPC or GPC register will be checked for the professional status of the candidate.

On completion of interview questions, the candidate will be provided with the opportunity to ask any questions. The candidate will be thanked for attending and informed of when the decision will be made and how they will be informed.

Once the candidate has left, the score sheet must be completed.

  • Internal Candidate Interviews

In the case of internal candidates, the full procedure detailed above will be carried out, but the completion of forms and interview questions will be adjusted to take account of prior employment with Haringey Healthcare Limited.

  • Remote Interviews

Where face-to-face interviews cannot be held, a remote interview will be used by Haringey Healthcare Limited as part of the recruitment process. The candidate will be provided with an invitation to attend a remote interview  which could take the form of a telephone interview or via a remote platform, such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom etc. (Microsoft Teams is currently free for anyone with an NHS mail account, please refer to the link  in the Further Reading section). It will be for the interviewer to decide what form of remote interview will be conducted with the candidate.

Before the interview takes place, the interviewer will undertake the pre-interview steps set out in section 5.5, ensuring that they:

  • Check that educational qualifications are appropriate and adequate
  • Check work history; note and investigate all periods of no work and reasons for leaving the position
  • Note any declared requirements for adjustments for disability
  • Check the suitability of the supplied references
  • Check the applicant’s DBS status


If any areas for further discussion are identified as above, these must be added to the interview questions. Upon the interview day, staff will ensure that they:

  • Check that identity has been clearly satisfied, and recent photographs supplied
  • Check that all claimed relevant qualifications are accompanied by documentary evidence

Initial document checks may be required to be completed remotely, however; original copies must be taken to the office and verified prior to the staff member starting at Haringey Healthcare Limited.

Where possible, a minimum of two people will conduct the interviews, one of whom will be the immediate supervisor or manager of the post being advertised. Interview questions will be agreed and standard for all candidates. A remote debrief session will also take place with all interviewers to discuss the candidate.


NB: If the interview is carried out by only one person as a result of staff resource issues on the day, the interviewer must be the immediate supervisor or manager of the post advertised. A second remote interview may also be required.

  • Post Interview

Following each interview, all candidates must be reviewed to critically question all reasons for rejection and acceptance, with no discrimination. If the interviewer is unsure of their proposed decision, they MUST consult Ibrahim Halil Yahli or senior management for further guidance.

It is important that particularly comprehensive notes are made if the person(s) offered the post(s) is not the highest scoring candidate. The crossing out of notes is not permitted. Any alteration must be scored by allowing the original to be legible and signed by the person making the alteration.


For all accepted candidates, they will be contacted offering them the post. Staff must refer to the Induction and Onboarding Policy and Procedure for further guidance.

A rejection or a holding letter must be completed for every unsuccessful candidate, as appropriate.

  • Eligibility to Work in the UK & Identity Checks

Staff must refer to the Right To Work Checks Policy and Procedure in place at Haringey Healthcare Limited for full advice. For current information and support with all aspects of eligibility to work, staff will refer to

  • References and DBS

Staff must refer to the References Policy and Procedure and DBS/Disclosure Policy and Procedure for clear direction and support. Reference template letters can be found in the ‘Forms’ section of this policy.

  • Qualifications

Haringey Healthcare Limited will ensure that, where applicable to role, candidates have the necessary qualifications. All applicants are required to provide, at interview, evidence of any qualification that is required for the role.

This evidence must then be photocopied and retained within the new employee’s personnel record. Registered Body registration checks must be made accordingly when employing professionally registered individuals.

  • Identification Checks

All candidates will need to provide photographic ID and a recent photograph. This will be stored in the candidate’s personal file in accordance with data protection policy at Haringey Healthcare Limited.

  • Managing Conflicts of Interest

Where there is a potential conflict of interest during the recruitment process, such as a candidate having a personal relationship with a member of staff, Registered Managerwill refer to the Relationships at Work Policy and Procedure.

As a minimum:

  • Job applicants will be required to declare any personal/work relationship on their application
  • The prospective member of staff will not be interviewed by the person they have a personal relationship with
  • The prospective member of staff will not be appointed into a post which results in a line management relationship with someone with whom they have a personal relationship

The successful candidate will also be advised and encouraged to register with another practice, if they are currently a registered Patient at Haringey Healthcare Limited.

  • Withdrawal of Offers

If, after careful consideration, it is decided to withdraw the conditional offer of employment, the grounds for withdrawal must be very clear, e.g. due to unsatisfactory references or other employment checks and the offer of employment rescinded in writing. This decision must be made in conjunction with Registered Manager or other senior management.

  • Complaints

Where an applicant, either internal or external, has a complaint about the recruitment process, they will be directed to put their complaint in writing to Registered Manager who will follow the Complaints, Suggestions and Compliments Policy and Procedure.

  • Fitness to Work

All candidates will be required to provide a declaration that they are fit for work and provide information about any physical or mental health condition relevant to the candidates’ capability, after reasonable adjustments are made, to properly carry out tasks they are expected to perform. A self-declaration statement is necessary. A candidate health certificate stating that they are suitable for work is not necessary and will not be required.

  • Candidate

      • A candidate is a person who has applied for a role. They may be an existing employee or an external applicant
      • The individual is known as a candidate until they commence employment when they become an employee
  • Recruiting Manager

      • The recruiting manager is the manager of the vacant role who has taken responsibility for recruiting to the role. They may be the line manager or another senior manager
  • Professional Standards

    • The General Medical Council (GMC) regulates all General Medical Professionals in the United Kingdom. Its primary purpose is to protect patient safety and maintain public confidence in medical services and the profession itself
    • The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) regulates all nurses
    • The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPC) regulates all pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. It also holds a list of registered pharmacies
    • The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) keeps a register of health and care professionals who meet its standards for their training, professional skills, behaviour and health. This includes paramedics


Professionals providing this service should be aware of the following:

  • A vacant post allows the opportunity to review staffing within Haringey Healthcare Limited and ensure that the needs of the Patients are being met
  • Job specifications and descriptions are subject to ongoing review and are adapted to meet the changing needs of Haringey Healthcare Limited
  • All clinical candidates are subject to DBS, eligibility to work in England and identification checks
  • A standardised approach is taken from application to interview to ensure that a fair and equal recruitment process is followed
  • A risk assessment must be carried out for non-clinical staff to assess the requirement of a DBS check
  • An overseas registration exam may be required or be in progress with the candidate; confirmation of this is required, if applicable

People affected by this service should be aware of the following:

  • Haringey Healthcare Limited recruits staff who have the right skills, values and ability to do their jobs well
  • There are robust procedures in place to ensure that only the right candidates are employed
  • You are fully encouraged to be part of the interview process and can discuss this with Dr Ibrahim Yahli


As well as the information in the ‘underpinning knowledge’ section of the review sheet we recommend that you add to your understanding in this policy area by considering the following materials:

GCP07 – Staff as Patients Policy and Procedure

Microsoft Teams – Link to the Free Version: KK6QIVpoBQBh0LNAXJEAAYASAAEgL4NPD_BwE:G:s&OCID=AID2000956_SEM_EAIaIQobChMIo8qa4-KK 6QIVpoBQBh0LNAXJEAAYASAAEgL4NPD_BwE:G:s

CQC Regulation 19 – Fit and proper persons employed: employed

GOV UK – Equality Act 2010 Guidance: Guidance on application for UK visa as Tier 2 worker: Information Commissioner’s Office – Subject access code of practice: CIPD has a legal guide to managing a migrant workforce, as well as resources for post Brexit considerations: 

Health and Care Professions Council – Register Check:

NMC Register: GPC Register:

GPhC Register:

To be ‘ outstanding ’ in this policy area you could provide evidence that:

  • Patients are involved in the development of the service, such as in the interview and recruitment process and in identifying staffing needs
  • Haringey Healthcare Limited has clear strategies and effective recruitment practices to ensure that it appoints people who are both capable and motivated to provide high standards of care
  • Haringey Healthcare Limited uses values-based recruitment processes to recruit people with the right behaviours and attitudes
  • The wide understanding of the policy is enabled by proactive use of the QCS App
  • Haringey Healthcare Limited has a robust approach to vetting new members of staff, reducing the risk of an unsuitable person being employed (e.g. follow up personal and professional references, look into their training records, focus on gaps in employment history, check how they would respond to certain scenarios)